Singer Monica, weddings, Singers Shannon Brown
How Google+ Could Become A Killer Local Marketing Channel

The Places Stream

One day, we are all going to wake up and find “Places” as a default stream in our Google+ experience and a business’ “Plus” stream as part of the default Place Page experience. When this happens, it will be like local search chocolate meeting social media peanut butter.

  • Circle Your Customers

In some ways, Google+ Circles are no big thing. Numerous social nets, including Facebook, have allowed members to categorize their contacts, but most have failed at convincing people that it’s worth doing (see Exhibit A).

  • Customers Circle Your Business

  • Local Interest Circles Right now.

  • Social Adwords

  • Single dashboard

  • Place Pages Become Truly Social

  • Messages to add to a Circle and/or to join the business’ Circle.

  • Businesses with claimed Place Pages to your Circle.


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